Thursday, May 6, 2010

Amy Charmichael

I'm sure we all can think of at least one woman we look up to and respect for her godly, virtuous, character. One lady who sticks out in my mind is Amy Carmichael. I recently watched a documentary about her work as a missionary and learned that she also wrote a number of books and songs. I am currently reading a devotional book she wrote entitled "If". The book is written somewhat poetically but will make you reevaluate your servanthood for Christ's kingdom with great conviction.

If you have not heard of Amy Carmichael or would like to learn more about her, please visit the sites below:

"Give me the Love that leads the way

The Faith that nothing can dismay

The Hope no disappointments tire

The Passion that'll burn like fire

Let me not sink to be a clod

Make my Thy fuel, Flame of God"

~Amy Carmichael